Healthcare CMMS Blog | FSI

Meet Manny Wolfe, Senior Software Developer

Written by FSI | Jan 9, 2024 8:21:08 PM


With the new year upon us, FSI is looking ahead to enhancements and product updates on our roadmap to serve facilities and HTM teams with our healthcare CMMS.

FSI's developers work every day to push these innovations forward. As we look ahead to a new year of exciting releases, we spoke with Manny Wolfe, Senior Software Developer, about his experience at FSI and what to look forward to in the upcoming year.

How long have you been with FSI?

I started at FSI doing consulting and contract work in 2006, but then joined the team full time in 2015. Joe Serwinski, FSI’s founder, and I met early on and I liked him immediately. When FSI first took off, they realized they needed to offer a mobile solution, which I had experience in.

Since FSI didn’t have full-time developers at that point, I did early work on the first mobile app – CMS Mobile, which was on pocket PCs. From then on, I contributed to a number of modules in CMS over the years, including customizations and integrations. Finally, Joe told me they needed to have me full time, so that’s when I officially joined the team.

I played a role in getting our current mobile app, CMS Tech, off the ground, helped create our Public API, and continue to work on the current iteration of CMS.


What does your day-to-day look like?

After checking email and Teams, I have our daily standup meeting to report on what we’re doing. Then most of the day I’m on task, jumping in to help people with questions or anything else they need. After being at FSI so long, if anyone has an answer it’s usually me, especially for CMS 3. As we’ve been converting CMS 3 over to CMS 4, I’m one of the go-to developers for questions.


Looking back over 2023, what is your proudest accomplishment at work?

I was part of the Capital Planning team, so that’s a big accomplishment from the past year. It took a little while to figure out what we needed, so we worked with customers to determine the right features for the product, and in the end I think we put together something that they’re going to find particularly helpful.


Looking ahead to 2024, what are you the most excited about on the roadmap?

Certainly, finishing the CMS 3 conversion. I’m excited to turn that off and have all of our customers using the latest version of the product. Then looking at the next generation of some of our most popular products, my wheels are certainly turning, but I don’t think I can give away any of the details yet.


What’s the best thing about coming to work each day?

Undoubtedly the team we have. One thing I love about our team, they are really great people. There’s a great mentality and nobody throws anybody under the bus. In those rare instances when mistakes come up, we all jump in to solve that problem. We never put people down, we pull them up.

I like that our team really works together because I think at a tech company there can be some animosity between developers and the rest of the company, but here we work more as a team within the company.


What makes you you outside of work?

I like to say the three greatest subjects of my life are: cars, bars, and cigars. I have a passion for cars. I enjoy mixing cocktails and brewing my own beer. I even used to run a bartending school after working as professional bartender. Then, I like cigars a lot.

I’m also a video game history buff and used to own a video game store where we’d restore arcade games. Finally, I can play several instruments like trumpet, tuba, and percussion. I have a band that I play in. I guess you could say I’m a renaissance man.